February 9th, 2017

dslrBooth for Windows v5.11.0209 – Mirror Booth + Template Editor Redesign

This release was entirely based on our most requested customer requests. As always, we would love to hear from you on how we can grow and improve dslrbooth.

Mirror Booth Features:


  • Added Virtual Attendant feature to allow for adding animations at the start screen, before capture, after capture, during processing, after processing, and at end of session. mp4 video files and/or mp3 files can be played. For before capture and after capture, multiple files can be played and one will play at random until all files are played.

    01.touch-to-start 02.get-ready 07.you-have-best-smile

  • Added 10 High Definition video animations with white background. Additional animations can be purchased from our online store.
  • Added signature option to allow guests to sign on a touch screen or with a mouse. Signature is then added to the template at any location and size. To enable this feature, go to Template Editor, Add User Data, Options Panel, Change Date to Signature.


New GIF Features

  • Up-to 12 unique photos can be added to a template instead of 4.
  • GIF have a boomerang option where they can play forward then reverse and repeat (Settings, GIF).
  • GIFs can be saved to a larger size for a higher quality version.
  • GIFs can be saved and shared to instagram from e-mail.

Template Editor

We have overhauled template editor UI and added new functionality:

  • Redesigned user interface for improved usability and design.
  • Multi-select elements using SHIFT + mouse select or in Layers sub-panel.
  • Move, align, distribute, and duplicate multiple elements.
  • Add additional shapes to template.
  • Improved way of selecting template size, background and element colors.
  • Font preview in font dropdown.

Other Features and Fixes

  • Faster start-up and capture with webcams.
  • Support for Nikon D3400.
  • Fix sharing issues with Facebook.
  • Fix sharing with VK.com.
  • Improve e-mail sending through firewalls.
  • Improvements for Canon liveview and capture.
  • More informative message for firewall issues.
  • Support printing from upcoming version of fotoShare.