November 17th, 2013
Recommended Tablets – Winter 2013
We get many questions on what laptop or tablet we recommend to run dslrBooth. Every few months, we actually go through the process of testing our software with the latest computers from manufacturers to determine our recommendations. For the longest time we have been recommending the Microsoft Surface Pro to run our software and for good reason, it’s powerful with an Intel i5 processor and is built to last. We continue to recommend the Surface Pro and now the Surface Pro 2. For those asking if the regular Surface tablet will work (traditionally called Surface RT), sorry, it will not. It runs Windows RT while dslrBooth requires full Windows 8. Other than the Surface Pro, We have been reluctant to recommend any cheaper tablets as they were all really under-powered. That has changed though the last few weeks and we have a new recommendation.
If you’re on a budget, we recommend the Asus Transformer Book T100. It performs very well thanks to it’s quad-core processor even though it only has 2 Gigs of RAM. We have found that to be more than enough even while shooting at 20 Megapixels which you shouldn’t really need (6 megapixels is more than enough for 4×6 full size prints). The laptop doubles as a touch-screen tablet by disconnecting the keyboard. Battery life is rated at 13 hours which is great since the tablet portion only has 1 micro usb port. If you’re using with no keyboard, you’ll need a micro-usb on the go adapter so you can plug in your camera’s usb cable. If you don’t have plans to shoot green screen, the Asus will suffice. If you want green screen, it’ll take a few seconds to process each photo due its limited graphics abilities.